Signs of Human Worms: Effective Treatment and Prevention

Child contact with animals often leads to worm infection

Unfortunately, no one is immune to worms—both adults and children are susceptible. A person is alive and does not suspect that there are about 250 species of parasites living in his body - these parasites can be as tiny as worms or as long as one meter long. In order not to be a carrier of parasites, let's figure out what type of worms are, what are the first signs and symptoms of infection with worms, how to treat them and how to get them out, and talk about the consequences and necessary prevention.

What is helminthiasis and what types of parasites exist?

Helminthiasis is a collective term for diseases caused by various parasites. It just so happens that in everyday life, we are used to calling all parasites worms, regardless of how many there are. There are 3 main groups of parasites:

  • nematodes;
  • tapeworm;
  • Parasitic flukes (flukes).

A nematode is a roundworm. These include pinworms, roundworms, and trichinella. Each of these parasites is dangerous because it causes various lung diseases in adults and children. But the pinworm parasite is particularly dangerous in this group -- it has no permanent habitat, but rather roams around the human body, affecting various organs. Pinworms have the appearance of white worms, and in most cases infection occurs as a result of contact with cats and dogs. If not treated promptly, it can stop in the brain and the consequences will be the most unpleasant.

pinworms in humans

Flatworms include Echinococcus, various types of tapeworms. Tapeworms may not appear for a long time, eventually reaching a length of 10 meters. The first sign of worm infection is rapid weight loss. They are dangerous because they can affect the gut, nervous system, eyes and liver. The most common way to contract tapeworms is to eat raw fish, and sushi lovers in particular should be careful. It looked like a six-meter-long tapeworm, taken from a person.

Tapeworms extracted from the human gut

Trematodes, or flukes, are carriers of many infections, but the most common is schistosomiasis, a disease native to the tropics and second only to malaria in the world (according to the World Health Organization). Most disappointing, the parasite is resistant to anthelmintics. Therefore, the sooner you notice symptoms, consult a doctor and get tested, the better. Going a step further, we'll tell you what kind of research you need and who to get qualified help from.

Parasites in Sashimi

A lot of times, people don't take worms seriously and just let the problem run its course. But you can't - any group of parasites is very dangerous and can cause irreparable damage to the body. In addition to the development of chronic diseases, there have been cases of paralysis and blindness even in people infected with worms. Therefore, the treatment of worms should be carried out on time, rather than delaying such a serious problem to a later date.

Causes of Helminthosis

Helminthiasis occurs when the eggs of worms enter the body. The most common reasons are:

  • ignoring hygiene rules;
  • the presence of pets or contact with farm animals (especially cattle and pigs);
  • use unwashed vegetables and fruits;
  • The habit of biting nails, pens, and pencils;
  • using meat and fish products that have not been adequately heat-treated;
  • drinking water that is not sufficiently purified;
  • contact with a person infected with worms;
  • Insect bites.
Take care of your pet to avoid wormsFollowing mediocre hygiene rules will protect you from parasites

In most cases, children attending kindergarten or school, plumbers, specialists cleaning sewage and sewer pipes, and agricultural workers are at risk of contracting worms.

Signs and symptoms of helminthiasis

At first glance, the "harmless" symptom of worm damage to internal organs is a rash or hives. But there are more serious signs:

  • indigestion;
  • persistent sleepiness and feeling tired;
  • Allergies of various manifestations;
  • swelling;
  • persistent headache;
  • prolonged cough;
  • Nausea and vomiting not related to poisoning;
  • temperature rise;
  • acute pain in the abdomen;
  • anemia;
  • constipation or diarrhea;
  • Reduced or conversely increased appetite, especially for sweets (parasites suck glucose out of the body);
  • weight loss, even with a good appetite;
  • Inflamed or swollen lymph nodes;
  • Grinding teeth while sleeping;
  • Unprovoked irritability and aggression;
  • the presence of white worms in the stool;
  • Persistent itching of the anus.
If abdominal pain does not subside - consult a doctor, maybe this is the first sign of helminthiasis

If you have at least 5 of the above, do not delay seeing your doctor and do not self-medicate. First, a registered counseling therapist who will show you the next steps and refer you to a narrow specialist. Gastroenterologists are also competent for the job, and some of the tests for worms are even included in the basic exam.

In the absence of timely treatment, complications such as pancreatic inflammation, bile duct obstruction, intestinal obstruction, and ulcers may occur.

What tests should be done if helminthiasis is suspected?

First, fecal tests and enzyme immunoassays for worm eggs must be passed. Colon x-rays are done as prescribed by your doctor. For each parasite, you will need a separate blood test. In the search for roundworms, only a stool analysis will help. Modern clinics and diagnostic centers offer many services for passing the necessary tests, and you need to be properly prepared for them.

What are the treatments for roundworms?

medical treatement

What if the test results are disappointing? How to get rid of parasites? Modern medicine has proven that many diseases are caused by the presence of worms in the human body, so the war against parasites requires special tactics. A long-standing link between oncology and endoparasites has also been demonstrated. It is often difficult to identify a helminthic infection, and doctors confuse helminthiasis with a gastrointestinal disorder based on a person's general discomfort. Diagnosis of the disease and initiation of treatment is possible only after a correct diagnosis and passing the necessary tests.

Treatment of parasites includes complex treatments. As a result, not only did the worms die, but the consequences of their life activities were also eliminated.

In addition to anthelmintic tablets, in the treatment of worms, vitamins, probiotics and enzymes are prescribed to normalize digestion. In addition, the use of antihistamines is not excluded. Iron, vitamin B12, and folic acid are prescribed if anemia is present or at risk of anemia.

Proper use of anthelmintics can speed up parasite eradication

proper nutrition

Effective treatment also lies in diet. During treatment, exclude carbohydrates from the diet: grains, pasta, potatoes - they make it difficult for the gut to work. Especially prohibited during treatment are fish that have not been adequately heat-treated - white worms may be present in herring, sushi, kippers. Fermented dairy products, cooked melon juice, garlic are recommended. Don't ignore pumpkin seeds -- it's also a good preventative measure for adults and children.

Based on test results and the patient's condition, the duration of treatment is determined by parasitologists and infectious disease specialists.

In cases where the parasites cause severe damage to the body, even hospitalization is required.

It's important to remember that when at least one member of the family becomes infected with worms, the whole family is on prophylaxis. If you have pets, so do they. Thermal treatment of underwear and sheets, bathroom with disinfectant. Cutlery and other household items must also be disposed of. After implementing preventive measures within 2-3 weeks, the whole family should be checked for eggs.

Folk remedies against worms

If the patient is intolerable to the drug, phytotherapy is recommended. Herbal therapy is a lengthy process that requires regular and daily adherence to a regimen.

There is a generic series with a wide range of effects on parasites. His recipes are simple. For this, you need to take herbs:

  • 2 tablespoons chamomile flowers;
  • 1 tablespoon mistletoe leaves;
  • 1 tablespoon eucalyptus;
  • 1 tablespoon thyme;
  • 1 tablespoon knotweed;
  • 1 tablespoon wild rosemary;
  • 2 tablespoons calamus root;
  • 2 tablespoons dandelion flowers;
  • 2 tablespoons centaurs.

We mixed all the ingredients in dry form, poured 2. 5 liters of boiling water, and left for 30 minutes. Then we filter and take one infusion morning and night for 2 weeks. In severe cases, it can be extended to one month.

What makes this range unique is that it can destroy most types of parasites without harming the body. Can also be used as a preventive measure. It is not recommended to take this series during pregnancy as some herbs have abortive properties.

Treatment during pregnancy

What if helminthiasis is detected during pregnancy? After all, in this position, you can't take potent drugs, which is what dewormers are. There are two views on this:

  • Some doctors recommend starting treatment after delivery, when the drug has no harmful effect on the fetus.
  • Others insist on starting treatment for the worms as soon as possible, because the parasites tend to penetrate the placenta and infect the child's lungs, causing respiratory illness. Pregnancy, spontaneous abortion, or premature birth can also be terminated. Therefore, pregnant women must consult a doctor and pass the necessary tests.

What should I do if parasites are found on my child?

Responsibility for the treatment of children lies primarily with the parents. You cannot detect worms in a child from the first test. There is a concept of incubation period, and sometimes parasites start appearing no earlier than 21-35 days after entering the human body. Therefore, children are usually asked to have up to 3 stool tests.

Children are most susceptible to worms

Also, parents should understand that deworming is not just a vitamin pill, but a serious antiparasitic drug that should only be taken under the supervision and prescription of a doctor.

Worm Prevention - Effective Ways

Following the rules of prevention will keep you and your family safe from unpleasant diseases - helminthiasis, especially since they are very simple:

  • Be sure to wash your hands after walking, before meals, and after visiting public places.
  • If you have a very loving pet, take good care of it, especially if there are children in the house who have close contact with animals. After all, in 60 percent of cases, animals are the worms that carry the parasites from the streets through their wool and claws.
  • Pour boiling water over fruits and vegetables before serving.
  • Get rid of the habit of biting foreign objects such as nails.
  • The meat and fish you eat, 100% ready.
  • Drink only purified water from reliable sources.
  • Avoid contact with an infected person until fully recovered, as kissing can also spread the worms.
  • Avoid places with a high concentration of insects, especially mosquitoes - they are dangerous carriers of various parasites.
  • Regularly deworm your pet twice a year. In the off-season, spring and autumn, the immunity is weakened, which is a favorable environment for the breeding of parasites. Farm animals are given anthelmintics for the first 10 days of life and then in case of infection.

By applying these simple prevention methods, you will protect yourself and your family from worms. The more time you spend on prevention, the less time you can spend on treatment. healthy!